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Video tutorial

JHipster Blog Demo

This 15-minute tutorial shows how to create a JHipster 7 application, work with the provided tools, use the JDL Studio to create several entities with their relationships, and deploy the end result to the cloud.

Presented by Matt Raible (@mraible)

Published on 30 Apr 2021

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Scaling Secure Applications with Spring Session and Redis

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Full Stack Java with React, Spring Boot, and JHipster

Matt Raible shows how to create a slick-looking, full-stack, secure Java application using React, Spring Boot, and JHipster.

Published on Jan 26, 2022 | OktaDev YouTube

Kubernetes to the Cloud with Spring Boot and JHipster

Matt Raible shows how to deploy a microservices architecture to Minikube and Google Cloud with Kubernetes. The architecture is developed with Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Boot, and JHipster.

Published on Aug 23, 2021 | OktaDev YouTube

Generating Fullstack Springboot & Angular 12 Application with JHipster

Gaëtan Bloch shows how to generate a fullstack application with JHipster and explore the different features: tests (JUnit, Jest, Integration with Testcontainers, e2e with Cypress, performance with Gatling), security (JWT), i18n, API documentation (OAS/Swagger), QA (SonarQube, OWASP vulnerabilities check) and CI/CD pipeline (GitHub Actions) and cloud deployment to Heroku.

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Build Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster

Matt Raible shows how to create a reactive microservices architecture with Spring Boot and JHipster.

Published on 13 May 2021 | OktaDev YouTube

Introduction to JHipster

Julien Dubois presents about JHipster at

Streamed live on Jan 15, 2021

Choose Your Own Adventure with JHipster and Kubernetes

Ray Tsang and Matt Raible show how to build a microservices architecture with JHipster, configure it to use Okta, and deploy it with Kubernetes.

Streamed live on Jan 13, 2021 | JChampions Conf YouTube

Build a Secure Micronaut and Angular App with JHipster

Learn how to create a secure Micronaut and Angular app with Java + JHipster and deploy it to Heroku. By Matt Raible.

Published on Sep 17, 2020 | OktaDev YouTube

Convert JHipster from JWT Authentication to OAuth 2.0 / OIDC Authentication in 10 Minutes

This screencast shows you how to convert a JHipster app from using JWT for authentication to using OAuth 2.0 / OIDC. By @mraible

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